Fennel Oleoresin


- Contains high levels of antioxidant properties that can combat damage from free radicals, thereby improving skin health.
- Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it helps in reducing skin irritation and inflammation.
- It is known for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, making it suitable for preventing infections on the skin.
- Promotes skin regeneration and healing, helping to diminish scars and other skin irregularities.
- It has skin toning properties which help in skin tightening and reducing signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging skin.
- Excellent natural detoxifier, aiding in flushing out toxins and excess fluids from the body, which may aid in reducing cellulite and bloating.
- It can also stimulate blood circulation, promoting overall skin health and vibrance.
- It can help balance oil production in skin, making it ideal for both dry and oily skin types.
- Fennel Oleoresin's fresh and sweet aroma can also act as a natural deodorizer.
- Considered a digestive aid, it can also be used in therapies to improve abdominal comfort.
- The high content of vitamin C can boost the skin's ability to protect itself from the sun and environmental pollutants.
- May promote hormone balance and alleviate symptoms of hormonal skin issues like adult acne.